
Hi, welcome to my blog and let’s chew the cud for a while. Food has always been my passion and it’s ironic because I have a lot of dietary restrictions. However, I don’t let that get in the way of my love of food. My mom had a successful restaurant. I grew up in a large family that loved to eat. The dining table is where we congregated and ate our fill, exchange stories, laugh at jokes, got scolded. From a young age I had always been enthralled by cooking shows and I would spend Saturday mornings watching them instead of cartoons. I could watch cartoons any day anyway.

Muffins vs Cupcakes

Happy National Muffin Day! Because I’m more of a muffin fan, I celebrate one of the iconic breakfast foods in the United States. Personally, I also love muffins as a pick-me-up in the afternoon. One of the reasons I prefer muffins is because cupcakes are a pain to eat. If you don’t eat a cupcake…

National Irish Coffee Day

I first tasted Irish coffee one chilly day in County Kerry, Ireland. My daughter and I were with a tour group and the bus had just finished going around the Ring of Kerry. Along the way, the tour guide told us the story of Irish coffee. Irish coffee is served in an Irish coffee mug…

National Popcorn Day

Who does not love the sound and smell of popping corn? Popcorn is one of the first foods I learned to make on my own. And my first tries were not exactly successful. Of course, this was before the advent of microwave popcorn. I was undeterred and eventually was shaking a potful of corn kernels…

National Fig Newton Day

According to my mom, one of the first solid foods I loved was Fig Newtons. So today, I am dedicating this post to my favorite cookie bar. In fact, I had some for breakfast today. I like my Newtons cold (I keep them in the fridge), preferably with a glass of ice cold milk or…

Please pass the s’mores

Last year on National S’mores Day, I mentioned one thing about me which is a bit embarrassing in a culture of outdoor Americans — I have never gone camping. Oh, it’s not because I haven’t had the opportunity or any invitations to go on a camping trip. But camping is not my idea of a…

Let’s Go Green!

Hello, readers! It’s been a while since my last entry. The heat has made me lazy and I’ve spent the last month reading and binge-watching. But inevitably, one must eat and I can’t eat sandwiches all the time and salads get boring so I’ve been thinking about how to make summer meals a little more…

Hello, Summer!

For me, summer means ICE CREAM! It’s not a surprise that June is Ice Cream Month. When I was a kid, the local ice cream manufacturer, Magnolia, had vendors walk the streets with their products, ringing a bell as they go. As soon as I hear the bell, I’m begging my mom to get me…

Viva Mexico!

Well, today I learned a few things. First, it is wise to check before using an expression in a foreign language. To celebrate Cinco de Mayo it’s wrong to say Viva La Mexico or Viva El Mexico. No articles in front of the country’s name. Good thing to know since I’m polishing my Spanish skills. Second,…

The Original Easter Egg

The history of Easter eggs go way back. And believe or not, it didn’t have anything to do with Easter. Scholars believe that the ancient cultures of Eastern Europe worshipped the sun god, Dazhboh. They considered Dazhboh a major deities and birds were his favored animals because they could fly and get the closest to…

National Potato Chip Day!

Chips or crisps? That depends on where you are in the world. These deep-fried slices of potatoes have been greasing up fingers as early as 1817. Wait a minute – popular culture claims its “invention” is credited to George “Crum” Speck in August of 1853 in Saratoga Springs, New York. But people on the other…

Za’atar, Advieh, Baha-what?

I mean no disrespect with the title. It’s just a what we writers call a ‘hook.’ Can you believe that it’s March already? The winds are roaring outside but soon, we’ll be dusting off the grill.  Oddly, I am not a big fan of summer because I prefer cold weather but I do love grilling,…

More Moo Juice, Please?

I sometimes suffer from anxiety so trips to the grocery where there is so much stimuli are few and far between for me. When I manage to go, I am astounded with the variety of products. On my last trip, I was surprised that bottled water seemed to have gone designer with signature bottle shapes….